Monday, August 11, 2003


Eleanor Clift has a new editorial out just mooning over Maria Shriver. Just check out the title and sub-title:

The Spouse: Beauty and The Barbarian
Armed with a Kennedy’s political savvy, Maria Shriver may be Arnold’s best asset

Clift is just one of many liberal media-heads who just wet themselves at the name “Kennedy”. What is it about this family that just send liberals to never-never land? I know it all started with Johnny-boy, but why? I mean, he barely won the presidential election, it’s not like he had the whole country following him like some kind of Pied Piper. He cut taxes and blockaded Cuba, not typical liberal actions. I think it was a combination of several things.

- He was cute. Liberals are, as group, controlled less by logic and more by emotions. A good looking candidate is much more powerful than the best candidate. BJ Clinton was spoken of in a similar vein. “Oh, he's so much younger, vital and better looking than George Bush”.

- The liberals, especially those in the press, were definitely unhappy with Richard Nixon. Nixon was that evil troll from California that brought down Alger Hiss and hated Communism. Liberals have always been enamored with Communism and a man who relentlessly pursued one of their heroes would be hated.

- He was assassinated before he really screwed up, like all Kennedy’s do. All of the Kennedy men are dirty. So, before the willing enablers in the press finally broke a dirty story on JFK, he was killed, forever cementing this romantic view in the minds of all liberals.

Look, the Kennedy’s are slime. Look at the list of scandals that infect the Kennedy clan:

John - Philanderer up to the day he was killed.
John – A dirty election, bought and paid for by daddy, in Illinois (Remember Mayor Daley, “Vote early, vote often!)
Joe, Sr. – Rum runner and Nazi sympathizer
Bobby – Shared a girlfriend with older brother John (both brothers married at the time) named Marilyn
Teddy – Mary Jo Kopechne
Patrick – Attacked an airport screener

Yet, they are Gods to the liberals. This says more about the liberal psyche than 100 Mel’s Diner blogs could in a 100 years.


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