Wednesday, August 06, 2003


On the fifty-eighth anniversary of the first use of nuclear (still pronounced NUKE-u-lar) weapons, the mayor of Hiroshima almost wet himself in an anti-US tirade. The Japanese always use the anniversary of being nuked to complain about the nuclear weapons in general:

“The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the central international agreement guiding the elimination of nuclear weapons, is on the verge of collapse," Akiba said, speaking before an estimated 40,000 people. The annual ceremony began at 8 a.m. in the city's Peace Memorial Park.

"The chief cause is U.S. nuclear policy that, by openly declaring the possibility of a pre-emptive nuclear strike and calling for resumed research into mini-nukes and other so-called usable nuclear weapons, appears to worship nuclear weapons as God," he said.”

This is coming from a country who worshiped Emperor Hirohito as a God.

Anyway, let’s just bring up a few points for mayor Akiba.

1. If the United States is so bad and our nuclear arsenal is such a piece of Satan’s cutlery, just what do you think had been keeping you safe for sixty years under a protective umbrella? Has your air force grown to over a hundred planes yet, or are you still counting on us to save your skinny butts? While we’re on it, how come it’s taken you so long to become interested in the North Korea problem? Could it be another case of, “Oh, Uncle Sam, protect us so we can sell you more Toyotas!”.

2. In another case of a country not appreciationg the good America has done, perhaps Mayor Akiba should ask himself something - just who do you think brought democracy to Japan? Perhaps a Divine Wind (kamikaze)? Maybe it was the evil round-eye? While you’re at it, ask your wife if she enjoys the right to vote. And don't start with the, "Good America has done? We got nuked! Twice!!" That's true, but who started that whole war, huh? Have you ever heard of the Rape of Nanking? Probably not, the Japanese have just started to talk about that three month rape and killing spree that cost the lives of over 350,000 Chinese.

Near the end we get this:

“Akiba said the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq highlighted the contradiction of the claim that peace could be achieved through war, noting it was carried out with "disregard for the multitudes around the world demanding a peaceful solution."”

The second part of this paragraph, the “disregard for the multitudes blah blah blah…” has nothing to do with the first part about war not achieving peace. Often, it is war that keeps the peace. Just because everyone wished for peace didn’t stop the Japanese army marching all over the Pacific islands and Southeast Asia. It took hundreds of thousands of American and British dead and finally two horrific nuclear weapons to bring about peace in the early 1940’s.


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