Tuesday, August 05, 2003


Interesting little ditty in the Boston Globe today. Harvard University has put online a new website, The Nuremberg Trials Collection, a set of the original Nuremberg papers. Totaling over a million pages of documents and thousands of photographs when complete, Harvard has the first case online, the 1946-1947 USA v. Karl Brandt, et al., the doctors' trial involving "defendants accused of organizing and participating in war crimes and crimes against humanity in the form of harmful or fatal medical experiments and other medical procedures inflicted on both civilians and prisoners of war."

Firstly, we should recognize the wonderful thing Harvard is doing. They are saving valuable bits of history that, over time, will disintegrate into dust. This project will be instrumental in reminding the world the evil that was done in the mid-twentieth century against Jews, Gypsies, Poles, the mentally challenged, anyone who didn't fit the worldview of a madman and his willing executioners.

Unfortunately, at the same time Harvard is doing such a wonderful thing and is being lauded, rightly so, by the Globe's sub-headline,

"Harvard's Nuremberg site counters Holocaust deniers"

Harvard is under fire for accepting (at least not yet returning) a gift from the Zayed Center for Coordination and Follow-Up, established by the president of the United Arab Emirates, Sheik Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahayan. The Zayed Center in August 2002 hosted a whole symposium dedicated to holocaust denial. The Center also has published writings by several holocaust deniers, including a book by Roger Garaudy. Garaudy, for his denial of the holocaust, was convicted under a French law that makes it illegal to deny historical events that have been designated as "crimes against humanity". The wife of Sheik Zayed even gave $50,000 to cover the maximum fine that Garaudy would be required to pay if found guilty.

American Universities are heavily anti-Israel, as can be seen by visiting the Anti-Defamation League and Campus-Watch websites. It's a shame that with all the good colleges can do, like this Nuremberg Project, it should be tainted with the rot of anti-Semitism.


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