Monday, August 04, 2003


Boy, in the cool light of morning, my blog “MAD MAX VS. THE JEWS!” reads even worse than it did last night!! No wonder I caught a lot of flack over it, I deserved much more than I got.

When I read cavalier lines like:

“You know, the Jews collective guilt for the death of Jesus Christ.” The sarcasm that was in my head doesn’t come through, it sounds like I’m stating a matter of fact. In matter of fact, the Jews did NOT kill Jesus Christ.

Then we get lines like this:

“Ah, the “anybody who transgresses” must be the Jews.” The conspiratorial tone so clear in my head disappears on the screen. My point so poorly made here was that Frank Rich has decided that Mel Gibson wasn’t talking about all of mankind’s transgressions, he assumes it must only be the Jews Gibson is talking about.

I am very sorry for all of the stupidities that abound in that post. I’m sorry for offending people I respect and for confusing the post to the point the premise was lost. It was a good point I so desperately was trying to make, though you would never know it if you read it.

Why don’t I just remove the offending post? Because I want the world to see how I work, warts and all. You can always count on getting the best I’ve got, even when that best makes Maureen Dowd look positively Pulitzer-worthy.


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