Thursday, August 07, 2003


Remember back on July 27th I said the Democrats PROBABLY weren’t anti-Catholic? You know, I’m going to take that back. Democrats, so willing to prostrate themselves on the alter of abortion, are anti-Catholic. They are anti-Catholic, they are anti-Baptist, they are anti-Fundamentalist, they are anti-every religion that finds abortion abhorrent.

This isn’t new to Catholics, we have been discriminated against for a very long time, the first time it became national was in 1928 when Al Smith ran for President and lost in part (how big or small we can fight over forever if you like) because he was Roman Catholic. I give you this speech on the United States Senate floor from Thomas J. Heflin, the junior senator from Alabama as far back as 1924 concerning Al Smith:

“Mr. President, in the name of all that is dear to us as a free people I call on my countrymen to wake up. The climax of this move is Al Smith’s candidacy for President. Wake up, Americans! Gird your loins for political battle, the like of which you here not seen in all the tide of time in this country. Get ready for this battle. The Roman Catholics of every country on the earth are backing his campaign. Already they are spending money in the South buying up newspapers, seeking to control the vehicles that carry the news to the people. They are sending writers down there from New York and other places to misrepresent and slander our State, all this to build a foundation on which to work for Al Smith for President. The Roman Catholic edict has gone forth in secret articles, “Al Smith is to be made President.” Doctor McDaniel said: “Of all countries the Pope wants to control this country.” "The Knights of Columbus slogan,“ said Doctor Chapman, . . . ”is make America Catholic." Here they tell you in their book that they will force the propaganda of Protestants to cease, they will lay the heavy hand of a Catholic state upon you and crush the life out of Protestantism in America.”

This wasn’t alleviated until 1960 when John F. Kennedy, in typical fashion of ALL the Kennedy men, basically renounced his Catholicism. The epitome of all the Kennedy’s came this week with the lowest genetic common denominator, Patrick Kennedy, who said this:

“It's not the first time Kennedy has clashed with the Catholic Church. In the past, he has bucked the church with his support for abortion rights and calling for the ordination of female priests.

On the issue of gay rights, Kennedy said the church has strayed from its teachings. "The church has its doctrines. I don't agree with this doctrine. I don't agree with many others," he said.”

In an effort to make himself feel better, we have this quote from just a bit latter on:

“Kennedy said his Catholic identity is important to him.”

Obviously, it is important to him only in the sense he wants Catholic votes because he finds Catholic teachings a nuisance.

Look, all true Catholics will be discriminated against by Democrats because of their adherence to the Church teaching (and common sense) that all life in sacred, even that life that was conceived in a booty call. Democrats believe that a baby not planned is somehow not a human, it’s some kind of blood clot or non-viable tissue mass.

If you are a Democrat and are offended by what I just said, I ask you to look at what the first six of your nine dwarves did at the NARAL meeting and tell me that I am wrong. If you think that unborn babies are alive and you are a Democrat, it’s time for you to re-examine where your party stands. Maybe a party who thinks that life is so unimportant that it can be sacrificed on a whim is not your kind of a party. But, that might require you to think and I don’t know if the hardcore Democrat has that in him.


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