Saturday, August 02, 2003


Why they make it so easy for me, I don’t know. But each day I know I can go to what seems like an endless font of liberalism run amok from the New York Times and the LA Times. Sure enough, today I dip into the editorial pages of the New York Times and pull up this gem. Richard H. Pildes, Professor of Law at NYU Law school and author of a little ditty called When Elections Go Bad: The Law of Democracy and the 2000 Presidential Election, has an editorial on the Supreme Court decision on Georgia v. Ashcroft. Pildes summarizes the case as:

“The Voting Rights Act, it ruled, does not require the election of black candidates for their own sake. Its purpose is to ensure equal opportunities and meaningful political influence and participation. If that goal is best realized by designing democratic institutions that foster interracial coalitions, the court concluded, the law should not stand in the way.”

Translation, with the south going Republican, we need to create districts where Democrats can win, even if he or she is white. I wish you could say I was jumping to conclusions, but that’s exactly what Pildes said,

“The rise of two-party politics in the South helps explain why: a vibrant Republican Party now threatened to take over state government. That pressure united black and white Democrats. As black Democrats in Georgia saw it, what good are seats in a political body more hostile overall to the interests of black voters?”

Oh, so as long as the South was going to be Democrat, the Voting Rights Act of 1964 (ironically, opposed by most southern Democrats at the time) was working just fine, but once Republicans started to gain seats, it was time for an “adjustment”.

Look, this whole thing is STUPID. I have said for years that “minority districts” are stupid. They have been used for decades ONLY to insure that as many Democrats get into Congress as possible. A minority is almost guaranteed to be a Democrat. Pildes himself said, “…strong black candidates regularly get about a third of the white vote.” But, what was the percentage of the black vote garnered by George Bush in 2000? Seven or eight percent? So of course the Democrats have upheld the “safe district” theory while it insured more Democrats in the House. But, all along, they knew the truth, they were playing the African-American community for fools, AGAIN. The truth is, what a person looks like is no guarantee that that person represents your views. Ted Kennedy and I are both overweight, white men of Irish decent from Massachusetts. According to the drivel of the past forty years, he should be a perfect representative for me.

Are you done laughing yet?

David Souter, a white man from New Hampshire and Clarence Thomas, a black man from Georgia are both Supreme Court justices; which one do you think represents me, a white male living in New Hampshire, more? Right.

Why the African-Americans let themselves be used by Democrats time and time again is beyond me. But they have, they do and they will again.


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