Monday, January 19, 2004


Well, let’s take a deep breath and step back. The Iowa Caucuses are over and the clear winner was John Kerry – KERRY?!? with John Edwards coming in a very strong second and Dean-O a poor, distant third.

How in the Hell did this happen?

Well, a couple of things. The press turned on their boy like the French on stinky cheese. They all of a sudden realized this half-wit was in the lead and that can’t be good when Bush is the Devil. Edwards, the empty suit, ran on the platform that he’s a good guy, not very bright, but a good guy and that’s just right for a lot of Democrats.

But, what about Dean? He’s not out of it yet – not by a long shot. Dick Gephardt, coming in near 10% is going to drop out, so will Dennis “Mr. Twilight-Zone” Kucinich. That leaves a whole bunch of union voters and lefties – who will they go to? Ho-Ho Dean. So, let’s not read too much into this right now.

All I know is my home of New Hampshire will get even more chaotic for the next week.


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