Friday, January 16, 2004


It seems our good buddies to the north, seeing recently they have been pushed to the sidelines to the point of apathy by the United States, have decided they want to be part of the “in-crowd” again. The Globe and Mail is reporting that Canada wants to be part of the anti-missile programs for North America.

Yeah, the Canadians.

As justification, Defense Minister David Pratt sent a letter laying out the reasons why the United States should let Canada in and not leave it to the world it cares so little to help protect:

“Mr. Pratt's letter cites the 1940 Ogdensburg Agreement on hemispheric defence, NATO's mutual defence pact and NORAD (the North American Aerospace Defence Command) as examples of Ottawa's and Washington's ability to work together on defence. He singled out NORAD, a continental defence organization that dates to the late 1950s, as the logical forum for co-operation on missile defence.”

So, all the Canadians have are treaties from the 40’s and the 50’s. They’ve done nothing for fifty years to convince the United States that Canada isn’t anything else than a pitiful charity case. Canada is unable to offer any real military reasons to be protected by a defense shield, it can only offer a lot of “used-to’s”.

Even Canadians say as much. A Retired Canadian Colonel, Ralph Annis, wrote an essay on the sad shape of Canada’s Air Force. Listing the number of each aircraft and the poor shape they are in, he confesses Canada’s entire fighter forces are less than the fighter strength on a single U.S. Aircraft Carrier.

Look, Canada has relegated itself into a country to be recognized, but ignored – like Luxemburg or Belize. It shows what countries do when they are protected by the United States and are asked to be responsible for nothing. We are seeing the beginnings of this from South Korea, the country MOST needing US protection.



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