Wednesday, January 07, 2004


Wonderful article over at The American Thinker about abortion and how it’s realigned American politics. Richard Baehr’s premise, which he readily admits he stole from James Taranto over at The Wall Street Journal (as I did), is that the 40 or so million babies who were NOT born over the past thirty years were tomorrows liberals.

The premise makes perfect sense once you start to think about it. Who were getting abortions all this time? Was it conservative, church-going women who would raise their kids to be the same or was it liberal, “I gotta be me” women who would raise their kids in that vein? Was it disproportionately white or black (92% for Gore) women? Right. Liberals have managed to thin their ranks by killing their children. That helps explain the surprising conservativeness of today’s college students. Today’s college kids are much more conservative than in the past and that has confused a lot of sociologists and professors.

As Mr. Baehr points out, the first “abortion babies” started to hit the college and the voting booth in 1991. And because the number of abortions each year grew to a reality-bending nearly 1.5 million in the mid-90’s, the number of “missing” liberals will continue to grow until 2013, just in time for social security to start to go into the red. So, we should expect to see some desperation on the left’s part over the next couple of years.

This is the weak silver lining on the cloud of abortion, but it in no way ameliorates the horror of “a woman’s right to choose”. Given a choice (ha-ha – get it? “choice”?), I would have sacrificed this burgeoning conservativeness of our young people to have stopped the murder of 40 million Americans, no question. But, to the liberals, I ask them to remember the old proverb:

“You reap what you sew” and it surely is a Grim Reaper.


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