Thursday, January 08, 2004


Let me opine a little on why Howard Dean is where he is now and why the press is starting to attack him:

A lot of you should sit down because of what I’m about to say, but the press, especially Big Media, hate George Bush. I know, I know, a shocking revelation, but it’s true. They can’t abide the thought that this Texas hick is President. So, in early 2003 when a maverick from Vermont started saying all of the things the press loved to hear, that Bush is evil, The war in Iraq was a war for oil to feed the military-industrial complex, that Halliburton ruled everything, that the fork ran away with the spoon, etc., the press ate it up. They couldn’t get enough of this guy!! And with the war seemingly bogging down, the economy tanked, the press thought Dean would be a shoe in for President and what a President!!! An old fashioned liberal, the Ted Kennedy they always wanted.

Then everything went wrong.

The economy started to take off. Saddam was caught like a rat. Medicare reform passed. Poll numbers went up.

All of a sudden, George Bush looked like a strong candidate and the media looked at their chosen one. He was saying stuff like, well, like what a crazy, out of touch, liberal freak would be saying at any Phish concert, but he was saying these things to the world.

And then they knew fear.

This moroon was going to get the nomination because James and Terry wanted a quick nomination in 2004 and loaded the primaries up front. What was the press to do?

They turned on their Golden Boy like, well, a bunch of Democrats on Robert Casey at the ’92 convention. The press are running like a bunch of girls in a horror movie and doing everything they can to torpedo this sure looser.

And I love it.


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