Sunday, December 14, 2003


ABC News has an interesting story about conservative students at the University of Texas who have posted a list of who they consider liberal radical professors. Of course, this has led to all kinds of hubbubs amongst those pinkos who made the list. Concerning this list and the rise of vocal conservatives on campus, we get the dreaded M-word:

"It's a trend which, if it got completely out of hand, could lead us to another McCarthy kind of situation," said Edmund Gordon, a UT associate professor who is on the Young Conservatives of Texas list. "I certainly hope it doesn't go that far."

Another “McCarthy kind of situation”? Does the fine professor mean that Communists and spies will be exposed in higher education? I hope so.

The funniest line in the whole story comes from the Professor who is so radical, his actions led to the whole list:

"Nobody with power is telling me I can't say something," Jensen said. "It's only going to become censorship if university administrators, who have the power to hire and fire and the power to punish faculty, start requiring a kind of ideological conformity for advancement in the profession. If that happens, then higher education is dead."

Uh, dude, there already IS a “kind of ideological conformity for advancement in the profession.”, it’s a liberal ideological conformity and you're right, higher education is dead Higher education is so populated with liberalism, it rivals the New York Times. That’s why sending your children to college is like sending them in to battle, except this is a battle for their ideological souls.

Speaking of liberal media bias, check out this from the story:

“The very idea of making lists of members of opposing groups has a long and checkered history in America. Hollywood once had its black list, an unwritten understanding of those who would be denied work because of their suspected affiliation or sympathy with communism. President Nixon had an infamous enemies list, and his political opponents had their own scoreboard of so-called war criminals in his Cabinet. The National Rifle Association recently put out its own listing of adversaries. Some of them said they were proud to be on it.”

The lists mentioned were all lists by Conservatives, but no mention of any liberal lists. Clinton had his own lists and acted on them. Remember the 350 FBI files stolen on Republicans? Those were from a list. How about the IRS auditing everyone who ever said anything against the Clintons? There’s another list.


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