Tuesday, December 16, 2003


A dark, dark day on the path to respect of human life. The New Jersey Assembly yesterday passed a bill specifically permitting stem cell research and manufacture. Now, when I say manufacture, I mean a human being is created to specifically harvest stem cells and cloned body parts from.

Yeah, harvesting.

The bill specifically prohibits a clone from being made, but would allow a cloned baby to be implanted in a womb as long at it’s life was terminated before it was born. I can’t believe I’m writing stuff like this and I’m not doing satire.

For the love of God, when will this people learn!!!!!!

Check this out:

“But to harvest stem cells, researchers must destroy days-old embryos – a procedure condemned by the Roman Catholic Church, abortion foes and others.”

Hello!!! The destruction of days-old embryos are condemned by all people with a brain!!!!! What is wrong with these people!!!!

Aside from this abortion (pun fully intended) of this bill, the story in Newsday inadvertently hints at another problem:

“The bill would require doctors treating patients for infertility to provide enough information for them to make educated choices regarding use of human embryos after infertility treatments. Most stem cell researchers get unwanted embryos donated by fertility clinics.”

“Unwanted embryos”? Yeah, fertility clinics in this country don’t come under enough scrutiny, if you ask me. Fertility clinics regularly create embryos (“test-tube babies”) and handily discard this babies. They also implant several embryos into wombs of women trying to get pregnant, as kind of an insurance policy, only to go in and “remove” the “extras” later. What people don’t talk about is all of the “extras”, implanted or not, ARE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!

The reason this clinics don’t get the scorn, abuse and picketing the deserve is the public perception of fertility clinics is a very friendly one. After all, they’re just helping poor families who want to have children, right? So, the pro-life crowd, of which I am a PROUD member still, choose not to fight that battle, it’s a battle we will surely lose. But, if we can shut down regular gas chambers, I mean abortion clinics, we will be default start to close some of the fertility clinic’s operations.

Look, if for some reason you can’t get pregnant on your own, like you waited too long to try because you wanted a career and a baby just would “fit your lifestyle” right then, then how about adopting a child from a mother who decided NOT to kill her child?

THAT would make the world a little better place.


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