Saturday, December 27, 2003


I said I wouldn’t be posting much this week and, true to my word, my lazy butt hasn’t been in Mel’s Diner hardly at all. But, I felt I’d drop a little note about something close to my heart – patriotism.

I just switched the channel to TNN, I mean Spike! TV, and caught the very end of WWE Velocity. Now, for all of you who have no idea who the WWE is, they are World Wrestling Entertainment, formerly World Wrestling Federation, you know, professional wrestling? The allegedly “fake” wrestling?

Fake or not, wrestling is considered VERY low-brow. It is probably considered even lower class than NASCAR; at least by the upper-Manhattan, Paris Hilton, Barbra Streisand ilk.

Wrestling, like it’s counter-part NASCAR, is also very patriotic. The very end of the Velocity I mentioned above was following the WWE to Baghdad. And it wasn’t just a few of the wrestlers who went to Iraq in some sort of PR move, it was about fifteen of the wrestlers, including the chairman, an honest to goodness BILLIONARE (depending on the stock market), Vince McMahon. These entertainers are true patriots – you could see it in their faces that they love the military, they appreciate the military – they understand what the military is doing for us. These bumpkins, these hicks, these red-state half-wits, they understand so much more, so much better than the elites that speak down to us everyday in big media. The same elites who refuse to where American flag pins, the same ones who can’t say if the Pentagon was a valid military target because they must remain neutral, these same elites who don’t know if the world is safer without Saddam or if Osama is guilty.

So, as we go into the next election cycle, remember who really care about America. Is it the Democrats and their elite, ivy league, Rhodes scholar friends or is it the party of NASCAR, the WWE and patriotic Americans?

To quote Scrappleface, I report, you decipher.


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