Thursday, December 04, 2003


Lets talk about the war in Iraq. Let’s talk to all of you who think it’s a bad thing. Why? Why is it such a bad thing? Let me opine on the whole thing instead of trying to answer each question one by one.

Iraq posed no immediate threat to the United States and had not attacked us. So what? Iraq was a terrorist threat to the whole world. They acted just like a country that was hiding weapons of mass destruction. It threw out UN inspection teams, when given chance after chance to allow open inspections to let the world see they NO LONGER had WMD’s, Iraq refused. So, everyone knew, even most of the Democrats running for President and even France, that WMD’s were in Iraq, just waiting for use by terrorist groups unconcerned about human life. So, they needed attackin’

Iraq was a tyrannical nightmare of biblical proportions. They had rape rooms, torture chambers, mass graves, chemical attacks, summary executions and a leader who enjoyed watching his “enemies” being eaten alive by dogs. The Hussein boys were as twisted and evil as anyone could ever imagine and heartless to their countryman’s plight. There were no free elections, no political dissent and no personal freedom. Nothing about the leadership of this country had anything good about it. The world is better off without it.

But what about the rest of the dictatorships in the world? What about the accusation that we went in just because they had oil and our country needs oil to feed it’s military-industrial complex, not to mention all of the Jeep Grand Cherokees we see at all of the kids soccer games? We attacked Iraq unprovoked for our own selfish wants and desires!!!

Yeah, so what? Are you saying that just because we are unable or unwilling to fix all of the world's problems, we should fix none? Or are you saying we should only fix those problems of which we have NO strategic interest, like Haiti, Liberia and Kosovo? Hello, get your head out of your butt!! The President promises to protect the people of the US, not all of the other people of the world. So, if we do need to fix a problem outside of our borders, it better well have a strategic interest for the United States, if it doesn’t, it’s an abdication to an oath sworn on the Bible. It better be over oil, the Panama canal, etc. it better not be to protect the interests of France or Uganda.

Somewhere along the line, the motive of the action became much more important than the result. If the cops bust a meth lab in town and find a kiddie porn studio but no crystal, it was not a failure. Just because the reasons we attacked Iraq don’t make the Sierra Club all warm and fuzzy doesn’t mean making 34 million people free is a bad thing. Just because we got into a war with Japan over steel exports doesn’t make stopping the people who perpetrated the rape of Nanking an unjust war.

Iraq was scum and deserved to be replaced with anything but Iraq. Just because they didn’t have nuclear (pronounced NUKE-u-lar) weapons doesn’t mean the war was unjust. The mass grave of children and the “re-education” prison for kids were enough reasons for attacking. Oh and a free, open oil supply, the same oil used by even NARAL, NAACP, the Sierra Club, MoveOn, Barbra Streisand and Lisa’s mom, not to mention General Motors, The US Marines and me, was good, too.

The bonus to this whole thing is if Iraq actually becomes a democracy. A democracy is always a good thing, even if people like Michael Moore come from them and having a democracy in the Middle East will only make the region and the world a safer place. That's justification enough right there.

So, all of you and your ilk who think this whole thing was bad, then you need to sit down a think it all over. If you still come to the conclusion that Saddam was a better alternative, please move to North Korea. There at least you won't to be part of the Yankee imperialist aggression, you can be with your own kind that think the United States is terrible and should be despised. Come to think of it, you could move to France or London and have the same experience. Wherever, please leave here, the thought that your vote counts as much as the fine people in our military or even bums like me is sickening.


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