Wednesday, December 03, 2003


Howard’s at it again; he’s looking more and more like Bill Clinton. In today’s New York Times, we have an article about his sealed records in Vermont. It seems now Howard is trying to deflect criticism by saying:

“…he was now considering unsealing some of the records.”

What this means in Clinton code-speak is he isn’t really going to release any papers or very few, all the while hoping the promise of considering will put the fires of controversy out.

Dean made a terrible mistake with his big mouth this week when he said he would release his papers when President Bush releases his papers from his term as Governor of Texas. What Ho-Ho didn’t know was that Bush’s papers are already available, so now he has a promise to keep.

Yeah. Like that will happen with a congenital liar.

The most telling Clintonism comes at the end of the article:

“While citing transparency and accommodation to public inquiries as his goals, Dr. Dean said on Tuesday that he had told Mr. Rocchio [Dean’s lawyer at the time] "to get as long as possible" in negotiating the seal with the archivist. "Every governor that I know," he said, "tries to get their records put aside as long as reasonably possible."

A survey by Charles Schultz, a professor at Texas A&M, showed that 29 of 42 responding states require departing governors to place their records into archives and that many must make them publicly available immediately. Others keep records sealed for as little as five years or as much as 30.

On Tuesday, Dr. Dean said the 10-year seal was Mr. Rocchio's doing. "I didn't have anything to do with those negotiations other than him coming back and reporting to me," he said. "David's a very aggressive attorney. Let me suggest that you talk to David. All I'm going to do is say things that I'm going to be sorry I said later because I wasn't involved in the negotiations. David was."

Dean blames his lawyer!!!! It’s reminiscent of the Clintoons when nobody seemed to know who hired Craig Livingstone, of the FBI Filegate scandal. Dean is Clinton, except Dean’s wife doesn’t want anything to do with him and doesn’t pretend she does.


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