Tuesday, November 25, 2003


In a continued spiral downward in morality, we have an inevitable pit stop on the roadtrip to Hell I call “reality television”. It seems on the Danish version of Big Brother, two contestants the Danish enjoyed voyeuring during there “romantic moments” (uninhibited sex) have conceived a child.

According to the shows website, the two parents:

“…have no immediate plans to marry but are excited about becoming parents.”

Great. I hate where our civilization has gone. I hate it that sex is just something you do together, like watch a movie or homework. I hate it that sleeping together right after you meet somebody is not only OK, it’s “easier” because you get that pressure over sex out of the way. I hate it that people do this on TV. I hate it that having children out of wedlock is just ducky.

The collapse of “social norms” in our society has caused absolute havoc. The “I’m OK, you’re OK, Peace, Love, nobody’s wrong, It’s all relative, Who are you to judge?” thought process we got from the 60’s generations has done more damage to our society than can possibly be explained in a silly little blog like Mel’s Diner. Social Norms are those little “givens” we all used to have, like getting pregnant when you’re not married is bad, swearing in public is bad, talking back to adults when you’re a kid is bad, wearing those clothes makes you look like a hussy or a thug, and that is bad. Those are social norms, little rules that everyone accepted to keep society civil and moving forward. They weren’t against the law or anything like that, but they were generally accepted as things you didn’t do.

Then came the “Me” generation. Their, “who are you to tell me what to do?” and shock value attitudes threw thousands of years worth of good into the garbage disposal. They wrote books on how being individual and unique was so wonderful in all that you do and then wrote more books on how to deal with feeling isolated. They invented crybaby shows for television where feelings were the most important thing and then lamented the loss of “real men”. Having eviscerated the social norms of our world, they sit back in shock and awe at the out of control drug use, abortion rates that make Pol Pot envious and statistics like 70% of black children born to single mothers. What do they expect? WHAT IN GOD’S NAME DO THEY EXPECT!?!


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