Wednesday, November 26, 2003


Most conservatives I know are good people who try to be fair and considerate. We get the unfair rap of being cold and unsympathetic to those who “haven’t won in life’s lottery”. We get those knowing glances whenever we say anything against welfare mothers, endless extensions of unemployment benefits, leaching off the system, etc. We are whispered about (or sometimes shouted at) that we are heartless S.O.B.’s who just want to put the screws to the less unfortunate and give breaks to the corporate fat cats.

But, then we get stories like this and all of the liberals just close their eyes and start whistling aimlessly.

From the New Orleans Times-Picayune, we hear about poor Edrina. At 32, she’s about to have baby number ten. Now, having baby number ten tends to bring the sympathy out in everyone, I mean, how many diapers is that!?! Then we discover the story is a pity-piece about how unfair the system is, that she’s a single mom with no job and her welfare benefits are about to run out. Reading on in the story, we find NO MENTION of where the father(s) are, like the men don’t even exist.

This is when the sense of practicality and self-responsibility bubbles over the edge of we conservatives and we start raging about how natural selection doesn’t work in humans; the best and the brightest aren’t having kids while high school drop-outs are have schools worth. We moan about people being paid to have kids they can’t support and what an utter failure the Great Society is.

And the cycle starts all over again…


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