Monday, October 13, 2003


You know what I find interesting and telling about the whole Rush Limbaugh deal is the conservative reaction. What I have found from fellow pundits is sadness for Rush that he has a terrible addiction and requests for prayers. Many say we need to remember what he did for us and to stick with him through his problems.

Is this what Jonathon Alter was talking about when he asked this week in Newsweek:

“So why have almost all of his conservative talk-show friends rushed to Rush’s defense?”

Defense? What part of this is defense? It’s more like being there for a friend. Perhaps Jon should go back through his liberal archives and check out what a liberal defense would have been like. He would find it would look like this:

- The maid would have been attacked as a drug dealer and a liar. Rush would be hailed for trying to give such an unworthy person some help and it’s just terrible how she is setting him up like this.

- Marta would be portrayed as this rock of a human, standing for her man.

- Cal Thomas would have said, “When you drag a $100 bill through a crack house, you never know what you’ll find.”

- It would all be blamed on the zealotry of Ken Starr.

- Rush would have gone on the air and said he did not have drug dealing relations with that woman and it was time for him to get back to the work of the people.

- As more of the story broke, articles would appear in Newsweek about how Rush’s drug addictions are all because of his childhood as an overweight kid who was picked on in school and whose father scared Rush by yelling at Walter Cronkite each night.

That’s how the left leaps to the defense. The left wants so much to use this against us and they can’t. We treat our “lost children” differently because we believe in personal responsibility.


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