Friday, October 10, 2003


I’ve been meaning to mention Israel’s attack on the terrorist training camp in Syria for a while now and a column in Newsday by James Klurfeld has finally prompted me to do it.

As you know, last week a female terrorist blew herself up in a crowded restaurant, killing twenty people, including several children. Israel then bombed the livin’ bejesus out of a training camp in Syria, leveled the terror bombers house and moved into Gaza this morning in an attempt to shut off a weapons pipeline from Egypt. President Bush also stood up for Israel by not condemning the Israeli’s actions, but by saying Israel has a "right to defend hertself". John Negroponte, our U.N. ambassador, also defended Israel.

Of course, this is not going over well with the liberals and world intelligentsia. They still insist on Israel taking attack after attack with no response and Klurfeld is no different. He tries to distance himself from his liberal friends by bringing up a past of Israeli defending. But he then goes right into the party line that Arial Sharon is the devil and the Bush administration backs Sharon no matter what he does. This is not true, usually unfortunately. Our current administration has several times not supported Israel when we should have.

Klurfeld also says this:

“The president's predilection to see things through a prism of black and white, right and wrong, is also a major factor.

There is certainly nothing wrong with moral clarity, but unfortunately the Middle East is complex, and oversimplification could lead to unwanted consequences for years to come.”

Again with the moral compass stuff. Liberals are incapable of seeing anything as good or bad, everything is relative. It’s this moral relativism that has lead us into a whole lot of problems, from hate crimes, to abortion, to gay marriage, to terrorism. Our inability and refusal to see certain cultures as better than others has lead to Libya chairing the U.N. Human Rights Committee. Klurfeld, it’s Bush’s moral clarity that makes him as good of a man as he is.


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