Sunday, October 12, 2003


I’m not sure exactly why the Pedro Martinez/Don Zimmer altercation has me so incensed, I mean - I hate baseball. Baseball is the slowest, most boring game invented since public chess matches. If there ever was a game that needed a shot clock, it’s baseball. Anywhoo, I think it’s because of the age thing. There are certain things not done - beat your kid, your wife or your grandfather, and Pedro beat his grandfather.

I watched with interest this morning any reactions I could find on the incident. Mike Barnacle had a positively deranged response to it. He said Pedro tried to get out of Zimmer’s way, “grabbed him by the shoulders and Zimmer slipped”. Please, let’s call a spade a spade here, Barnie – Pedro taunted him, stood there and threw him to the ground.

The Boston fans seem to be much more realistic. In a message board section of about the incident, it seems about 80% of the people thought Pedro was a thug. I was surprised to see how many of them wanted the Red Sox not to re-sign Pedro, who I have always heard was one of the best pitchers in the league. They’re right, of course, there is no room for thugs in sports, even if they are good players. But, Sprewell still plays basketball, so I’m sure Pedro will have no trouble being signed, if not by the Red Sox, by somebody else.


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