Saturday, October 11, 2003


There’s a story out there I’ve been following for a while now, but have yet to comment on it. Terri Schiavo suffered some sort of brain damage in a fall that left her unable to speak or feed herself. She is NOT in coma, she laughs, cries and responds to emotions. In 2000, her dirtbag (and that’s kind) husband got a Judge Greer to approve the removal of Terri’s feed tube to starve her to death. This has been caught up in the courts ever since, but the endgame has been played. This weekend, a federal judge ruled (correctly) that the federal government is prohibited from intervening in the case. So, as of October 15, her feed tube will be removed and within two weeks, Terri will die of starvation.

I’m so angry as I write this, I’m having a hard time making sense in this post. I encourage all of you to go this site and see what is going on. Her husband is shacked with some bimbo and all he wants is his wife out of the way so he can collect the money that is put aside in her medical fund and marry this other woman. He has consistently blocked all attempts to teach her to eat on her own again and has tried several times already to block medical treatment for her. He claims she would want to die instead of living in this state, but he does everything to keep her in it.

The law is on this animal’s side, but there may be some things that can be done. How about if the Attorney general steps in and says her civil liberties will be violated if she is allowed to starve to death? If they can jump in on the Rodney King case, I would think they could do it here. Or how about this? It’s a leap and a big chance, but what the Hell? Jeb Bush should grant a stay of execution on October 15th. Now, this leaps all kinds of legal barriers and will most likely be found illegal, but it will bring a WHOLE LOT of attention to the case, maybe enough to stop the killing.

For now, keep her and her family in your prayers. Also, keep the slimeball husband in your prayers, too because he is the one who has but himself in jeopardy of salvation by his actions. Pray he sees his sinful errors and seeks forgiveness – especially before it is too late for Terri.


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