Friday, September 19, 2003


Well, the New York Times struck again. This time they felt we all needed their sage opinion on a most gruesome of procedures, partial-birth abortion. Not surprisingly, they think the proposed ban is just terrible. It’s all a lot of blah-blah-blah we have heard from the Times over and over again, so I’m not going to tackle that again. What I want to point out is their last paragraph:

“These are precisely the defects that led to the Supreme Court's rejection of the Nebraska statute. But that does not seem to trouble the measure's backers, starting with President Bush. Their actions show a troubling disrespect not just for the rights of women, but also for truth, and the rule of law.”

Specifically, look at the list sentence and ask yourself, what about the rights of the baby? The baby that could very well live outside of the mothers womb at the point it’s skull is crushed and it’s body is tossed in the trash.


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