Wednesday, September 17, 2003


Wesley Clark – boy is that guy a winner. Check out this quote from Meet The Press:

“Secondly, the tax cuts weren’t fair. I mean, the people that need the money and deserve the money are the people who are paying less, not the people who are paying more. I thought this country was founded on a principle of progressive taxation. In other words, it’s not only that the more you make, the more you give, but proportionately more because when you don’t have very much money, you need to spend it on the necessities of life. When you have more money, you have room for the luxuries and you should—one of the luxuries and one of the privileges we enjoy is living in this great country. So I think that the tax cuts were unfair.”

Where can we start with this? Firstly, it convoluted and almost nonsensical. What does, “When you have more money, you have room for the luxuries and you should—one of the luxuries and one of the privileges we enjoy is living in this great country.” mean? I think he left out some of what he wanted to say, but I’m not sure. I’ll let it pass because he was on TV and winging it, but it’s still confusing.

But all of you, I’m sure, see the money quote.

“I thought this country was founded on a principle of progressive taxation”.

No wonder the media are fawning all over this guy – not only does he espouse their fantasies, he’s dumb as a stick, too. This country was founded on the principle of almost NO taxation. It took an amendment to the Constitution, number sixteen, in 1913 to even make an income tax LEGAL. 125+ years after the founding. Hello? Is there anybody home, General?

You would think he and his supporters would be embarrassed by this idiocy. But, no. Without even trying, I found two websites (Draft Clark for 2004 and Women for Clark) for drafting Clark proudly displaying it. I guess it’s not illegal to be mind-bendingly stupid, I just wish their vote didn’t count as much as mine.

This man is what Bugs Bunny would call an Ultra Maroon


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