Monday, September 15, 2003


I went to the font just a few minutes ago and darned if it wasn't gushing forth. The New York Times has an editorial about McCain-Feingold and they were shocked, shocked! to find it wasn't the dream come true they thought it would be.

What they decided to do is list some of the excesses we find in campaign fund raising and, I know this will come as a shock, the Republicans seem to be the bad guys. I know, coming from the Times, this is so out of character.

Listing abuses, they come up with seven Republican examples to two Democratic. This, in spite of the Democrats coming out on the loosing end of the campaign finance disaster, I mean reform. The average "soft nominee" excess donor was giving to the Democrats. Yet, in listing abuses, the Times makes it a two-to-one abuses, Republican to Democrat.

The press is so wildly liberal, it's scary. Yet, in fits of delusions, they claim a CONSERVATIVE bias in the news. It makes me wonder - can they sleep at night? Do their lies bother them? Or have they found some magic elixer that assuages their guilt?

Seriously, I write a whole lot of stuff here, but I really do wonder - how can they live with themselves?


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