Monday, September 15, 2003


Quick – who is Wesley Clark? Most people I ask can tell me he was a General. And then nothing. I thought he was a General in Desert Storm or something; I really didn’t know a thing about him. What I did know was that there is a lot of hub-bub surrounding his potential entrance into the race for the Democratic Presidential nominee.

I had read that he could change the dynamic of the race. I read that Howard Dean (Ho-Ho to his friends) was trying to get Clark to come on board with as VP. I was getting Clark, Clark, Clark. Will he? Won’t he?

Then it hit me…

Nobody knows who he is. I’m a political junkie – had no clue. Some people I asked couldn’t even tell me he was a General. My father-in-law, a Democrat to the core, State Rep. from Vermont, was calling him Ramsey Clark.

General Wesley Clark is an inside the beltway phenomena. Nobody 40 miles east of DC has a clue who he is. We have always suspected that the Beltway People are WAY out of touch with America and I think this whole Clark business proves it. They are all talking to each other about this Ike-type, not realizing he’s as well known as Dennis Kucinich to most of America.

And I thought Hollywood was Never-Never Land.


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