Tuesday, September 16, 2003


Well, the insanity continues. James Carroll, son of an Air Force General, ex-priest, antiwar activist, author, playwright and all around loon has an editorial in the Boston Globe today that is off the charts. It’s your typical anti-Bush, anti-America belch that we see all over the media, but this one pulls out all stops. In an effort to be heard over the orchestral tuning we know as “opinion” in the liberal papers, Carroll blows his French Horn as loudly as possible, abandoning any semblance of hitting notes for just the loudest screech possible.

It seems the terrible friendly fire accident that lead to the death of ten Iraqi policemen was the final blow to his sense of reality. Wait, I’ll let Jimmy C. explain:

“This “accident" was not, in fact, an aberration. The killing of allies and of innocents is part and parcel of what the American occupation involves now. Death has overtaken strategy.”

Oh, because there are no Iraqi soldiers left, our guys are now killing civilians, because, hey, they’ve got to kill somebody, right? Carroll’s next paragraph proves this:

“Whether the soldiers who killed the Iraqi policemen "intended" the act or not is irrelevant. American pietism excuses dastardly outcomes when they are committed with good intentions, but morality is measured more by consequences than purposes. No US soldier is "innocent" in this enterprise”

See what I mean, he’s out of his mind!! All I can picture him is running around the room, waving his arms about over his head, making monkey noises.

Maybe a glimmer of sanity made it through the blackness of incomprehension, because for a brief second, Carroll tries to backtrack, only to go deeper into that good night:

“But every US soldier in Iraq has been taken hostage. The hostage takers are not the terrorists but the small clique of Bush administration officials who have violated US tradition, international agreements, and the sacred trust that commanders owe their soldiers.”

Because America is always wrong, we get this line:

“…there was no "right" way to invade Iraq and there is no "right" way to occupy it. Iraq belongs to Iraqis.”

He either thinks the Iraqi people were living in a panacea of freedom, love and happiness under Saddam or he just doesn’t care that they lived under a tyrant of the first degree.

And of course, John Ashcroft is the devil:

“The Justice Department is increasingly an instrument of repression. On the eve of elections, the American people are in the grip of a vast ennui.”

He then gives a list of what is to be done, including:

- “The troops must simply be removed from Iraq”
- “All funding for the American occupation, including the $87 billion Bush requested last week, must be opposed. Military appropriations must be cut off.”
- “Just as Bush has kidnapped our young people in uniform, he has captured the flag. For now, the way to take it back is to take it down.”

The last thing wasn’t something the hippies should do, but I think a new thought just hit him, so he threw it in:

“Mortal danger becomes apparent. Bush policies have reinvigorated suicide bombers across the world while simultaneously igniting a new round of nuclear proliferation. The prospect of that combination -- nuclear weapons in the hands of suicidal fanatics -- poses the greatest risk in human history. Bush himself has thus become the ultimate suicide bomber.”

He ends the whole WTO protest of a rant with a call for “resistance” and turning the whole “momentum of Bush's war back upon itself” - which can only mean he wants to liberate something.

Probably his mind.


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