Monday, July 25, 2011


It’s not rare that we see the mainstream media protect the President and tout his silly, smoke-and-mirrors and sometimes outright lies - heck it happens every day. What’s rare is to see it on such display as what the people logging onto saw today. We were subjected to this opinion piece as the main story of the day.

Our stupid self-inflicted debt crisis

Shockingly, John Avlon blames the Republicans!

“But the blame for this stage of failure lies squarely on the party that unilaterally withdrew from the talks -- and that's the Republicans.”

That’s right, it’s all the Republicans fault - they have only proposed TWO bills, actual vote-able, score-able bills. It’s not the fault of the President or the Democrats who have proposed ZERO, none, nada bills.

Wait, before commenting, there’s more. We get this

“When the bipartisan "Gang of Six" proposal was put forward, it was rejected by some Republicans out of hand despite deep tax cuts and historic entitlement reforms and enforceable spending cuts simply because it was embraced by Obama. “

“Some Republicans.” Exactly who and how many? Why don’t we get those facts? Might it be because there were only two or three out of over 200? I can get two or three Democrats in the caucus that think Guam will tip over or Tigger is cool (OK, maybe that one is right). Pure obsequiousness and willingness to obfuscate to make BHO the real hero of the day.

How about this?

“There is talk of the Obama administration "moving the goal posts" in terms of asking for more revenue increases in the latest negotiations. But moving the goal posts on what constitutes a tax increase is in many ways at the heart of the current disagreement. Arguments for raising the top rate have been dropped until after the 2012 election. The common ground compromise available is tax reform.”

More straw men and confusion. What BHO really did was talk about one number (800 million in new revenue) and then, when it was met, increase it by 50%. That’s what Boehner meant by “moving the goal posts”. One would think a columnist for CNN would know that. Yet, what Avlon does is talk about moving the goal posts as some kind of disagreement over the definition of what tax increase means and lie to make the Republicans look bad.

This is just a small example of Big Media covering for the Chosen One. It would be amusing if it wasn’t so sad and even worse, serious.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


No need to link to a story for this piece; anyone reading this has seen story after story about Anders Breivik. It’s sad to see the similarities between his terror attack and every other terror attack – the willful lack of compassion and conscience in taking innocent human life. His attempt to emulate the attack on the Murrow Federal Building in Oklahoma City (thankfully much less successfully) and then his tenacious hunting and execution of helpless kids at a summer camp show a serious inhuman trait. Not all killing is a terror attack, explosive emotion (hate or fear) can cause a sudden and no less terrible act, but true terror takes planning and methodical action. We saw the same kind of willingness to personally and in close proximity kill people in Serbia just 16 years ago this month. We saw the same killing in Rawanda and more recently in the attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt.

I pray for all of the victims, may God hold their souls in his hand take all their pain, sadness and fear away.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Mars) came up with this the other day:

The debate and fight is not between Democrats and Republicans. It's between some Republicans and their sort of cult fringe as I refer to them out there," Harkin said.

"Democrats are willing to do whatever is necessary to raise the debt ceiling, not for future borrowing but to pay the debts that we racked up in the past. Which, mostly was racked up by a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Republican President in the last 8 years. Yet, they're not willing to pay the bills," Harkin said.

Some of my friends on the Right are upset by his description of the Tea Party as a “sort of cult fringe”. I say, “Whatever, he’s a liberal, what do you expect?” To them, you either agree or you are evil, not wrong – evil.

What got me was his line about the debt, “Which, mostly was racked up by a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Republican President in the last 8 years.” Here’s a quick timeline of the last eight years.

  • July 2003 – Dec. 2006 – Republican House, Senate and President
  • Jan. 2007 – Dec. 2008 – Democrat House, Democrat Senate and Republican President
  • Jan. 2009 – Dec. 2010 - Democrat House, Democrat Senate and Democrat President
  • Jan. 2011 – present - Republican House, Democrat Senate and Democrat President

Additionally, let’s look at look at those terrible Bush years. In terms of the national debt, they were terrible – the debt was DOUBLED in those 8 eight years, from 5.5 to 10.6 trillion dollars. Now, let’s see what the 2 ½ years of the Obama presidency has done. In just under 30% of the time Bush was in office, the debt has gone up 3.7 trillion dollars, or over 66% of the disheartening Bush increase. And although Bush (with two years of Democrat controlled help) did rack up 5 trillion dollars in debt, a quick calculation shows 5 trillion is not a majority of 14.3 trillion.

Obviously, Senator Harkin’s statement is wrong. Senator Harkin has also been in Congress since 1974, so he has an intimate knowledge of what happened in the last eight years. I’ll ask the obvious question:

Is he a liar or just stupid?

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Has it really been four years? Yeah, I guess it has. I need to point out B.H. Obama’s startling confession that Social Security is really just a bankrupt Ponzi scheme. Never before has a Democrat President admitted that Social Security doesn’t actually have any money; that it’s current outlays to seniors aren't actually funded by this giant bank account in the First Bank of Never-Never Land, it’s funded by tax receipts from current employees with no hope of EVER receiving their “tax investments”. I quote President Obama:

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it,"

What? There’s no money in the coffers? What happened to Al Gore’s Lock Box? Oh, right – it’s just an environmentally-friendly, biodegradable, recycled and sustainably produced cardboard box of I.O.U’s. That’s the ONLY reason “there might not be money in the coffers” to pay Grandma. If A.G.’s lockbox theory were true, we could just pull the cash out and pay the bills. But, no…B.H.O. let the cat out of the bag, entitlements are actually a PROBLEM, there really isn’t any cash to pay for them, no matter how many seniors have been paying into them for so long – it’s all gone. Keep in mind, I’m mostly a senior, I’m 45 this year.