Sunday, August 07, 2011


I give up. I’ve lost faith in the United States. Not THE United States, the greatest country in the world, the single greatest gift to date to the entire world, the country that brought freedom to more people in a mere 250 years than every other country combined. Not the dream that the United States used to embody. No, I’ve lost faith in our future. To quote John Derbyshire (not that can claim it): We Are Doomed.

Both political parties are useless. And we won’t have anymore. The last great rise of a party was the Republican party and that was possible only because the United States was growing and California gave them their first, national start – John Fremont. We’re not growing anymore, we have what we have, no change is possible and they’re both stink. The Democrats stink a way lot more than the Republicans, but to the Republicans, it’s like not being German when the outhouse exploded in Kelly’s Heroes (minute 8:40).

Am I going to leave? I doubt it – we’re still the lifeboat on the Titanic. I’ll stay in my precious (“my precious”) New Hampshire until it’s overrun by Massachusetts tax refugees who still want all of the Big Government babysitting and Vermonters who don’t realize why all the jobs are over here. At that point (and I thought we were there last year), I’ll move to another state who understands Big Government sucks! I’m thinking Texas.


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