Sunday, July 24, 2011


No need to link to a story for this piece; anyone reading this has seen story after story about Anders Breivik. It’s sad to see the similarities between his terror attack and every other terror attack – the willful lack of compassion and conscience in taking innocent human life. His attempt to emulate the attack on the Murrow Federal Building in Oklahoma City (thankfully much less successfully) and then his tenacious hunting and execution of helpless kids at a summer camp show a serious inhuman trait. Not all killing is a terror attack, explosive emotion (hate or fear) can cause a sudden and no less terrible act, but true terror takes planning and methodical action. We saw the same kind of willingness to personally and in close proximity kill people in Serbia just 16 years ago this month. We saw the same killing in Rawanda and more recently in the attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt.

I pray for all of the victims, may God hold their souls in his hand take all their pain, sadness and fear away.


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