Wednesday, April 06, 2005


We are turning into such a country of helpless wimps, and no more so than in bellwether of American wimpiness – California.

Skimming the LA Times this morning, I came across this headline and I knew it was Mel’s Diner Gold:

Near the Rails, on the Edge
Southland residents near train tracks live with noise, dirt and danger -- and wonder why homes are allowed to be built so close.

That’s right – a whole story on why people need to be protected from their own decisions. In it we get such money quotes as these:

“Just like how there are changes in train traffic, there should be changes in laws" to protect people who live near railroads, Marquez said.”

"In a perfect world, we can say, 'We'll industrial-zone every track," said Jim Ledford, the mayor of Palmdale, where dozens of new homes will be constructed alongside tracks this year. "But landowners have certain rights as well."

Oh, those pesky property rights! Along those lines, here’s the top dollar, big money quote:

"They shouldn't put any houses near railroad tracks. It should be against the law…. The setback minimum should be at least a block," said Jack Edwards, 45, whose Palmdale house sits about 100 feet from railroad tracks on a double-size lot near a grade crossing. "I've been here eight years. In eight years, I haven't slept a night through once!" Like many homeowners near tracks, Edwards said it would be too costly to move.”

Now, Jack is 45 years old and if he moved into his track shanty 8 years ago, that means he was 37 years old then. Are you telling me a 37 year old man is so stupid and helpless that it wouldn’t dawn on him being 100 feet from a main line track wouldn’t be a bit loud? I tell you, I don’t feel too sorry for him, certainly not nearly as sorry he feels for himself.



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