Saturday, February 26, 2005


What can we say about Terry Schiavo? I have long advocated for her survival. That sounds like such a non-issue, I’m sure many of you are wondering, “What in the world is Fat-Boy talking about?”. Terry suffered a heart attack almost 15 years ago and has been in a “vegative” state ever since. I use the scare quotes because there is a lot of controversy exactly what Terry is aware of. Her husband says she is barely alive and had indicated before the heart attack that she would never want to “live” like this. Her parents say Terry is very much aware, shows excitement and happiness when they come to visit. Terry’s husband, who through Florida law has the right to make decisions for Terry has tried, on many occasions, to have her feed tube removed and let her die in peace (if starvation is peaceful). Her parents have successfully, so far, argued in the courts that Terry is aware and to kill her is unlawful.

Obviously, as a Catholic, I am very much in favor of taking the conservative view and if there is any doubt, to kill Terry is wrong. I have lobbied for her since 2003 and continue to do so. That being said, I did have some doubts about my decision, until in the end, I fell on the side of keeping her alive.

The Florida courts have once again decided that Terry should be allowed to die, this time starting March 18th. I’m sure it wasn’t planned, but it is ironic to us Catholics that date is one week before Good Friday and it is expected that Terry would die in roughly one week after her feed tube was removed. I’m not saying Terry is Christ, what I am saying is it is ironic that Terry, who is to die because of man’s inhumanity to man, should die on the anniversary of another who died for mankind.

Just a thought. Not mine, it was Kathryn Lopez’s at National Review Online, but one worth sharing.


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