Friday, April 29, 2005


Here’s a story so disturbing that I’m going to let it speak for itself with little comment:

“A mother who gave birth to a twin girl following an incomplete termination is suing the hospital where she had the procedure for £250,000 to help with the cost of raising the child…

Miss Dow, 20, said that after the termination she was advised it had been successful. She was then given a contraceptive injection, which she was told could lead to weight gain and an erratic menstrual cycle. She put the continuing symptoms of pregnancy down to this injection.

But when she later went to her GP she was told she was still pregnant. One of the foetuses had survived and was only seven weeks from term. Jayde was born by caesarean section on August 30 2001.

Jayde suffered no ill-effects from the termination procedure, but Miss Dow is now pursuing an action at Perth sheriff court against Tayside university hospitals NHS trust for the "financial burden" of her daughter's upbringing....

"I have got a child now that I wasn't planning to have and I believe the hospital should take some responsibility for that. They should have known, or at least warned me, that I might still be pregnant when I left," she said.”

As disgusting, terrible and outrageous ("financial burden"!) as all of that, here’s the money quote from the middle of the story:

“"I still don't know if, or what, I am going to tell Jayde when the time comes," she added. "Maybe when she is nine or 10 I will sit her down and explain it to her. I just hope that she understands what happened and why I did it. Of course it will be much harder to explain to her that she had a twin."

Yeah, Miss Dow will have to explain to Jayde why her sister was torn from the womb and thrown away. May God have mercy on her soul.


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