Sunday, July 04, 2004


Mike Farrell, our beloved BJ Hunnicut from M*A*S*H, is all constipated over Rush Limbaugh. Yeah, I know, tell you something you don’t already know. This time it’s because Armed Forces Radio carries an hour of El Rushbo everyday.

"Do the right thing." These were Secretary of State Colin Powell's words of advice to the Wake Forest University class of 2004 in his May commencement address. Then Powell issued an incontrovertible condemnation of the actions of U.S. soldiers' abuse of Iraqi prisoners: "Our nation is now going through a period of deep disappointment, a period of deep pain over some of our soldiers not doing the right thing at a place called Abu Ghraib. All Americans deplored what happened there."

Well, perhaps not all Americans. There's at least one American who has publicly praised, condoned, trivialized and joked about the abuse, torture, rape and possible murder of Iraqi prisoners. This American does not appear to be going through "a period of deep pain." This American has instead called the abuse "a brilliant maneuver" and compared it to a college fraternity prank: "This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation," he said.

Who is this American so unlike "all Americans"? Rush Limbaugh.”

What Hunnicut isn’t telling you (I’m sure he just overlooked it) is that Rush spent almost the entire three hours that day condemning the abuse that had just come to light. If you remember, at that point all we had were those few pictures like the naked pyramid, etc. When Rush compared them to a “fraternity prank”, he was saying we should not sabotage the whole war effort over something as small and isolated as these few pictures. But, like all liberals, BJ is more than willing to leave out all of the inconvenient facts.

Anyway, Hunnicut is infuriated and wondering:

“Why should American taxpayers pay for the broadcasting of such inexcusable views to U.S. troops? Why, at a combustible moment like this one, would we be funneling Limbaugh's trivializations to our men and women at the front? Does Limbaugh's pro-torture propaganda really qualify as "a touch of home"?”

“Pro-torture”? Come in from the ledge, BJ - everything will be ok. If anyone is pro-torture, it’s the liberals who support regimes like Fidel Castro. Remember your trip to Cuba, BJ? You ended your letter with this:

“The alternative, of course, is to continue our present relationship in the vain (some would say racist, colonialist, imperialist) hope that this government that is not to our liking will fall and those who want to see a return to the old ways will be able to go back and take over. Not only will this not occur, but every day we spend continuing to be the primary force attempting to bring it about through economic strangulation means another day that children will suffer without necessary medicines, hospitals and businesses will labor in darkened halls with Rube Goldberg contraptions attempting to replace their lost technologies, school kids will lack paper and pencils, the social fabric will continue to decay and the people we say we're trying to help will continue to go hungry.

Shame on us.”

Ah, yes. All of Cuba’s problems are because of us.

If Hunnicut wants to get all of the partisanship off Armed Forces Radio, why isn't he not trying to get the several hours a day of NPR pulled? How about the Diane Rehm show? Her website says she’s heard on Armed Forces Radio. She's hardly a member of the VRWC.

Hey BJ, ever consider perhaps Armed Forces Radio carries Rush because he’s a booster and supporter of the Armed Forces and the United States? Maybe the Pentagon is just smart enough to realize that our troops don’t need to hear people like you putting us down all the time and blaming the United States for everything.

Ever think of that, you SOB?


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