Saturday, June 26, 2004


He everyone, thanks for the vacation. Andrew Sullivan, one of the web’s most prolific and best bloggers, takes a month off every year, so I thought I would, too. Actually, I’m using that as an excuse for my laziness, Well, I did actually go to North Carolina for a week or so during that time, so it wasn’t completely laziness that kept me away.

Well, what’s happened during the last month?

- Two more innocent civilians were beheaded by the non-humans we are fighting in Iraq. Some of the blame goes to the people like Ted Kennedy, who morally equated the abuses of Abu Ghraib with the torture chambers of Saddam Hussein, therefore emboldening the animals. Strong words on my part? You bet. True? You bet.

- Bill Clinton’s My Life was released to acclaim and yawns. All of the usual suspects wet themselves in happiness while the other set of usual suspects shook our heads in disgust. We also gloated over the inconsistencies the book revealed compared to his testimony under oath. I personally loved watching the New York Times squirm and flop when their own literary critic skewered the book and then, in a fit of repentance, released a fawning review by Larry McMurty set to appear in the New York Times Magazine two weeks early to show they are still full members of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy.

- The 9/11 Commission wraps up and President Bush is generally vindicated. You didn’t know that? Must be getting your news from the VLWC.

- Senator Patrick “Gas-Bag” Leahy gets put in his place by Vice President Cheney. Few people deserved it more and it was long overdue.


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