Monday, June 28, 2004


I spent all day Sunday fighting with computers. I formatted three of them and reloaded the operating systems and software. Of the three, two of them were mine, including the main computer and Katie’s. Of course, I had trouble setting up the home network, so I didn’t have any Internet. I say this as a lame excuse as to why there was no post from me on Sunday.

Anywhoo, the Wall Street Journal Opinion Page had a wonderful editorial from Larry Eastland quantifying what the Journal has dubbed the Roe effect. The Roe effect, in a nutshell, says the 43 million babies aborted since the Roe decision would have been, for the most part, Democrats and liberals. Therefore, the left has been decimating their ranks for the past 30 years and the effects have shown in recent elections.

In fact, Eastland points out that the 2000 election would have been Al Gore’s by a long shot if the Democrats hadn’t been killing their children. Eastland refers to the aborted children as “Missing Voters”, a succinct and apt description. This is what he had to say about the 2000 election in Florida:

“In the actual popular vote for president in the 2000 general election in Florida, George W. Bush was declared the winner by 537 votes. But if the 260,962 Missing Voters of Florida had been present to vote, Al Gore would have won by 45,366 votes. Missing Voters--through decisions made in the 1970s and early 1980s, encouraged and emboldened by the feminist movement at the height of its power--altered the outcome of the U.S. presidency a generation later, in a way proponents of legal abortion could not have imagined. “

Eastland makes a point that I missed - one that is obvious, yet chilling:

“Examining these results through a partisan political lens, the Democrats have given the Republicans a decided advantage in electoral politics, one that grows with each election. Moreover, it is an advantage that they can never regain. Even if abortion were declared illegal today, and every single person complied with the decision, the advantage would continue to grow until the 2020 election, and would stay at that level throughout the voting lifetime of most Americans living today. “

The editorial goes into a lot of detail with demographics and giving what I see as irrefutable proof that the conservative movement in this country has been given a boost, however unintentional and by horrific means, by the “it’s all about me” left. As Eastland says:

“As liberals and Democrats fervently seek new voters and supporters through events, fund-raisers, direct mail and every other form of communication available, they achieve results minuscule in comparison to the loss of voters they suffer from their own abortion policies. It is a grim irony lost on them, for which they will pay dearly in elections to come. “

God help us all.


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