Thursday, April 29, 2004


You know, a lot of people look at me like I’m some kind of KKK racist when I say things like, “the Western civilization is the best” or “what in the world do the Muslims have to offer anybody?”

Well, this story proves a lot. We have a bunch of American soldiers basically picking on Iraqi prisoners. These prisoners weren’t being put through any physical pain, they were being scared and humiliated. Now, this certainly isn’t good, but no fingernails were being pulled out or families being killed.

Yet, we, the evil infidels, have launched an investigation and the General in charge of the prison where this happened has been fired. In how many of these “equal” societies in the mid-East would this have happened?

Right. Zero.

These animals not only would have tolerated this kind of behavior, it was standard operating procedure. Yet, we in the West who are so inhuman, who deserved 9/11, have put ourselves under the microscope. The next time you run into an apologist for 9/11, before you break their teeth in, remember they think that the animals that put a plane into the Pentagon were better than the people who are outraged and prosecuting some soldiers for picking on a bunch of killers.


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