Thursday, April 15, 2004


Our friends (and I mean that sincerely) at MEMRI have translated the purported Osamma Bin Laden recording offering a peace treaty (not truce or cease fire) with Europe. Aside from the outlandishness of it, after all, they tried to bomb a Spanish bullet train AFTER the elections, it contained a few goodies:

"It suffices to see the event that shocked the world - the killing of the wheelchair-bound old man Ahmad Yassin - Allah's mercy upon him - and we pledge to Allah to avenge [his murder] on America, Allah willing.”

Oh, now they’re all shook up over the killing of an old man in a wheelchair!! What did Umamma say about the murder of Leon Klinghoffer? Was he all in a flutter then? Klinghoffer was celebrating his Anniversary with his wife, not planning the death of Jews!!! And notice it’s America he’s after because Israel killed the Hammas terrorist? That makes Bush’s support of Sharon yesterday even more important. They want us dead no matter what and it’s crap like this that make me and a lot of American’s want this bastage even more dead.

"This war makes millions of dollars for big corporations, either weapons manufacturers or those working in the reconstruction [of Iraq], such as Halliburton and its sister companies...”

Oh, Halliburton. Think Umamma’s been listening to Kerry, Dean and the New York Times? No wondering anymore. Good work, you true Americans, I mean maroons.

"I hereby offer them a peace treaty, the essence of which is our commitment to halt actions against any country that commits itself to refraining from attacking Muslims or intervening in their affairs, including the American conspiracy against the larger Islamic world.”

Uh, France…you just outlawed those burka headscarf-things, I think the “intervening in their affairs” means you.

"President Bush and his ilk, the media giants, and the U.N. ... all are a fatal danger to the world, and the Zionist lobby is their most dangerous member. Allah willing, we will persist in fighting them... “

Media giants? UN? That means no matter how much Tim Robbins cries that he isn’t like us or how much Kofi-boy tries to thwart us, you’re both still in the crosshairs. And I bet you want those baby-killers, the US military, to protect you still, don’t you? Ungrateful bastards.


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