Saturday, April 17, 2004


Why people like Nicholas Kristoff want to make it so easy for me, I don’t know. Week after week they come out and say such nonsense as to paint a target of stupidity on there backs. In today’s New York Times, Kristoff imagines a conversation George Bush could/should have had after the infamous Aug. 6 memo.

Kristy envisions a perfect world where some mysterious CIA briefer, who seems to be psychic, has a conversation explaining the bin Laden may be wanting to use planes as missiles. George Bush, in a state of awe at this larger-than-life briefer, immediately rallies the forces and:

“…light[s] a fire under the bureaucracy. Let's kick butt.”

Kristoff admits that,

“Such an imagined conversation is a bit unfair because it has the clarity of hindsight.”

He then calls for George Tenant to be replaced (no complaint from me there) and for George Bush to offer,

“…an apology or a hint of remorse would show leadership and salve our hurt. Mr. Bush should recognize that acceptance of accountability is not a sign of weakness.”

Ah, here is the key to the whole editorial. It was all written to show the failures of George Bush and how he should apologize. Apologies are all the rage with Democrats. They feel pity for a child rapist who apologizes and cries for his deeds. Remember Bill Clinton’s Africa tour of apologies? The “African-American” community is looking for an official U.S. government apology for slavery. And it just drives the liberals nuts that George Bush won’t apologize for 9/11, that he would dare to blame the HIJACKERS, of all people, for the death of 3,000 people. What is he thinking?

And so it is with Kristoff. Well, I have an idea for you, Kristy. If you need an apology so badly, why aren’t you looking for one from President Bill Clinton. After all, for eight years, he didn’t do jack-squat about bin Laden. He even rejected bin Laden when he was offered on a silver platter from Sudan. He did nothing about the attacks in Saudi Arabia, the USS Cole, the FIRST World Trade Center attack, etc. It seems to me, if any President should be on TV crying and begging forgiveness from the families of the victims, it should Bill Clinton.

Well Nicky, how about it? Are going to ask for an apology from BJ Clinton? I’m not holding my breath.


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