Wednesday, March 31, 2004


Why stop at one abortion story when they keep getting worse and worse. Check out this story from our friends on the left coast at the SF Gate. These two doctors want the law repealed because of how the “feel.”

“In Lincoln, Neb., Dr. William Fitzhugh testified Tuesday that he would "probably continue" performing abortions even if the law is upheld.
"I'd have to take my chances," the Richmond, Va., physician said.

In New York, Dr. Amos Grunebaum testified Tuesday he had "fears of being prosecuted and having to face imprisonment" for a law so poorly written that even some miscarriages might violate it."

Oh, so laws should be repealed because of what people feel. Let’s go to Folsom Prison and ask the inmates how they “feel” about laws against murder, rape and robbery.

The same Dr. Grunebaum who has so many fears above, casually throws this out:

“He said the law was so vague that it could outlaw virtually any type of abortion performed during the second trimester because the fetus is sometimes still alive as it is brought outside the body.”

Oh, so the “fetus” is alive? And yet, you fear you’ll be stopped from killing these kids, oh, I mean, alive fetuses? Sick, very sick.


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