Tuesday, January 27, 2004


Hey, everyone – year end really stinks for accountants and I’m no exception. I missed a bunch of good stories over the weekend, but I worked all weekend, too. That being said, here’s a story that jumped out at me today:

MSNBC has an exclusive interview with ex-head weapons inspector, David Kay. The liberal press is going to spin this as a repudiation of President Bush and proof that he lied to get us into Iraq. Check out the first line of the story:

“David Kay, who resigned last week as the chief U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq, now says he didn't find stockpiles of WMD — or evidence of a nuclear program well under way in Saddam Hussein's Iraq”

That's pretty much all of the story Big Media will say about this – other than George Bush is a liar. But, look at what David Kay said in the story and how Tommy Brokaw tried to get him to say Bush lied:

“TB: You found evidence of programs that were in place but no weapons.
DK: There were a lot of small activities. Now, in the missile field it’s quite different. There were actually large, purposeful programs going on in that area. But in chemical, biological and nuke, it was rudimentary.”

“TB: David, as you know, a lot of the president’s political critics are going to say, “This is clear evidence that he lied to the American people.”
DK: Well, Tom, if we do that, I think we’re really hurting ourselves. Clearly, the intelligence that we went to war on was inaccurate, wrong. We need to understand why that was. I think if anyone was abused by the intelligence it was the president of the United States rather than the other way around.”

“TB: The president described Iraq as a gathering threat — a gathering danger. Was that an accurate description?
DK: I think that’s a very accurate description.
TB: But an imminent threat to the United States?
DK: Tom, an imminent threat is a political judgment. It’s not a technical judgment. I think Baghdad was actually becoming more dangerous in the last two years than even we realized. Saddam was not controlling the society any longer. In the marketplace of terrorism and of WMD, Iraq well could have been that supplier if the war had not intervened.”

Ah, “imminent” rears it’s ugly head again. How many times will the liberals mention this canard? FOREVER!!!! That’s what liberals do, they say a lie so many times that the maroons out there begin to believe it’s true.

Look, read the story, Kay basically says there is no evidence of stockpiled WMD’s, but Iraq had a disarrayed program, especially in longer range missile and nuclear programs. That’s not what you’re going to hear from Big Media, but that’s what he said.


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