Thursday, January 22, 2004


Today is the 31st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. In the past 31 years, roughly 43 million babies have been killed. So today’s post will be all abortion, all the time.

State Rep. Jessica Farrar of Texas had a NARAL, Planned Parenthood screed in the Houston Chronicle today. She seems to be scared that the United States is teetering on the edge of outlawing abortion.

We should be so lucky.

“On a day with no legal abortions, a battered woman with four children will find out she is six weeks pregnant. She will wonder how to escape her partner, find a job and feed five children with no guarantee of child support. A teenager will be raped at a party. Too scared to tell her parents, she will seek out a back-alley abortion even though she might not live to see her parents again. A college student will find out she is pregnant and drop out of college to work and raise a child. Maybe she will be happy and maybe she won't be happy. Either way, she will have had her choice taken from her.”

Hey Jessica, the cases you mention make up an incredible small number of the 1.2 million abortions that happen every year in the United States. Anyway, what if they all just gave their kids up for adoption? How come you never mentioned adoption in your essay?


This next was is so disgusting, I don’t even want to comment on it. It’s titled, “We’re Not Sorry, Charlie” and it’s all about NOT feeling badly about killing your child. Just check this out:

“If abortion were connected to actual women--people like my friend Amy Richards, who had an abortion at 18 and a selective reduction last year when she found she was pregnant with triplets, or Nancy Flynn, who was a single mom finishing her BA at Cornell when she had an abortion and who told me she would "never have been able to have the rich life I've had and help my son as much as I have if I'd been the single mother of two children"--perhaps the mounting restrictions wouldn't pass so handily. To paraphrase the late poet Muriel Rukeyser: What if women told the truth about their abortions? Even if the world didn't split open, this paralyzing issue might.”

Oh, by the way, they have a website. Enter only if you're ready. And check out "Beth's" story under New Stories.


To end on a VERY happy note, I want to direct you to a website called Feminists for Life. I am not a fan of most people who call themselves feminists, but check this out.

“Women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserve unplanned joy” – Patricia Heaton.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself.


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