Monday, November 10, 2003


David Tell has an article in the Weekly Spectator that people should read. It concerns Ho-Ho and a particular incident from his past; the kind of incident that shows the true character of the man.

Howie likes to tell the story of when he was in the Vermont legislature and still a practicing doctor, he was approached by a 12 year old girl who was pregnant. Dean says after some consultation, he felt the father of the baby was probably the girls own father. Later on, the girls father was proven not to be, but the real rapist was convicted and punished.

Now, depending on the audience, like when he’s fawning for NOW and NARAL votes, he stops the story at the “I felt her own father had done this to her” part and uses it as a reason to be against parental notification. At other times, he will tell the whole story.

Well, maybe not the whole story. You see, Tell, Jake Tapper at Slate and others have tried to verify the story and can find NO evidence of a statutory rape conviction during the alleged time frame. Dean himself confesses to not reporting the incident to anyone, claiming there were no laws on the books, which, of course, is poppycock, because statutory rape was always illegal.

So, what do we have here? Dean’s been telling this story for a very long time, even when he was Governor the story raised concerns from Republican lawmakers in Vermont that there were 12 year olds getting pregnant in the close knit state of Vermont. So, it’s not like something that he just SAID for effect, it sounds very real. If that’s true, then The Man Who Would Be President had a case of statutory rape, perhaps incest, and did NOTHING about it. He, at the very least, was an enabler for child molesters. That’s a character flaw of huge proportions and a criminal one at that.

Or maybe it’s all a lie. Maybe the story is pure fabrication. That would explain no evidence found when various people looked for it. But, this is an outrageous story – this plays upon the natural human desire to protect children. A lie this big shows a definite character flaw that finds truth VERY inconvenient.

So, Dean is either a liar or without morals. Maybe both. He’s a perfect candidate for the Democrats.


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