Wednesday, November 05, 2003


Well, it’s been a while since I went to the Font, so I thought I’d drift on over and hold out my hands. Sure enough, it fell right into my lap. Nick Kristoff has a screed up and it’s packed full of fun stuff.

Nick started the whole thing off with a story patting himself on the back about an article he wrote about Saddam Hussein and catching Hell for it from the big man himself. He claimed Saddam was fed bad information and it was this false optimism that led to the downfall of the regime.

It seems Nick thinks the Administration also deluded themselves in Iraq. He thinks BUSHCO (as those “inclusive, caring, non-offensive” liberals call the Administration) convinced themselves Iraq was going to be a cakewalk and now they’ve had a rude awakening. Of course, this conveniently forgets all of the times President Bush said in was going to be a long, hard struggle, but, when has a New York Times columnist let pesky thing like truth get in the way?

“Evidence suggests that Mr. Bush and Dick Cheney may have actually believed that our troops would be, as Mr. Cheney predicted, "greeted as liberators." The administration chose to rely not on intelligence but on wishful thinking, and it became intoxicated by the siren calls of Ahmad Chalabi, a silver-tongued charlatan.”

Nicky, reports I have read tend to back up the “greeted as liberators” assertion. Almost the entire country is at peace, Iraqi’s are clamoring to join the security forces, utilities are on (for the most part) and the streets are bustling. Didn’t I also see pictures of cheering crowds during the fighting when the Allies moved in an area? Oh, and maybe that statue fell over during a hurricane.

And what would a NYT editorial be without comparing George Bush to Saddam Hussein?

“So the scary thing is, Mr. Bush and his aides may not be lying when they look at Iraq and boast of a cheering population that a Western press sourly refuses to acknowledge. There's a precedent: Saddam Hussein.”


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