Monday, November 03, 2003


Yale Law School has their dresses up over their heads because in return for the estimated $300 million dollars in Federal funds Yale receives, the Army would like to come and recruit. In fact, the Solomon amendment REQUIRES schools receiving Federal largesse to allow the military to come to the schools and offer opportunities to the (allegedly) best and the brightest.

But, Noooooo, Yale doesn’t like the stupid “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy over homosexuality and therefore wants to deny the recruiters access because the Army hates gays, or something. In reality, hyper-liberal higher education hates the military and these “bastions of tolerance” have no tolerance for those that keep them free. So, 44 Yale professors have sued the Federal Government over the Solomon amendment, hoping to get it overturned.

I find it pretty funny that these professors feel that Yale doesn’t have to comply with Federal regulations, even though the school receives so much money from the public trough. Where were all of these outraged professors back in the 80’s when colleges like Hillsdale and Grove City were fighting the government over federal regulations. Both colleges refused any Federal money to relieve themselves from the burdensome regulations imposed. Upset that these colleges would have the temerity to NOT be regulated, the Feds went into contortions saying if these colleges accepted students who paid tuition with federally guaranteed loans, the colleges had just received federal money and were now regulated. Did these same Yale professors leap to Grove City’s defense? I’m sure not. As long as “those right-wingers” are getting the shaft, then that’s good – but let the Navy near the law school and the world crumbles.

Make no mistake, college is about the WORST place you can send an impressionable kid. They are dens of leftist ideologues who HATE America, no matter how much Noam Chomsky says he likes it.


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