Tuesday, November 04, 2003


We conservatives have often referred to Europe as a “nanny state”, usually because the Governments want to make all of your decisions for you. Two stories out today lend credence to that theory.

In Great Britain, a Glasgow MP and 9 fellow MP’s filed an Early Day Motion, kind of a Congressional resolution, calling Simon Cowell and the others on Pop Idol (Britain’s version of American Idol) cruel. The motion read,

“This House believes that pressurising young people to fit the mould sends out the wrong message, not only to the participants but to other talented youngsters who may also have aspirations to progress in the music industry”

The MP said,

“Simon Cowell has seen his earnings increase to £33.5million a year — is that just from crushing kids?”

The House of Commons spent time calling Simon Cowell a nasty-pants? Is this where our democratic form of government is going? Trying to keep a TV star from being mean to people? Oy.

As you may have heard, last week a poll was done in Europe and 59 percent of those polled thought ISRAEL was biggest threat to world peace. I wasn’t the least bit surprised by the results considering the anti-Semitism that is sweeping the world, especially Europe and it’s growing Arab population. What we need to remember is that this was a poll of citizens, not elected officials, so the results, as sad as they may be, are PERSONAL OPINIONS of, allegedly, free people.

Keeping in mind that comma laden sentence, we find that European Commission has APOLOGIZED to Israel for the findings of that poll. It makes no sense for super-governmental entity apologizing for the personal opinions of it’s citizens. Well, it makes no sense in this universe, but in some kind of super nanny-state where the purpose of government is to make people fell good about themselves it makes perfect sense.


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