Saturday, September 20, 2003


I went to Jim Hightower’s Rolling Thunder Down Home Democracy Tour as it thundered into Manchester. A bigger group of freaks and liberals I have never seen. To make it even better, I went with Lisa and her mom, which many people remember I went two rounds with over Tim Robbins and Iraq. I need to say, I really like Lisa’s mom (Diane) and just because she’s a liberal elitist, that doesn’t mean she’s not nice.

I’ll have a whole post about this with links to pictures later, but I think I can squeak in a quickie today.

I stopped at the NARAL booth and it was staffed by two women (want to see my surprised face?) and as I talked to them I asked (gently) “When do you think life begins?” They both told me they didn’t feel they could say that and the bigger issue was making sure all babies are wanted, etc. I said I understood, I was just asking when they PERSONALLY felt life begins. The younger one said, and I quote,

“It’s not up to me to say when life begins”.

She felt it wasn’t up to her to say when she felt life begins.

That’s the face of the Pro-Choice movement. It’s a that kind of a lack of intelligence that has lead the pro-abortion movement into the corner it is in today.


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