Wednesday, August 20, 2003


Gov. Gray Davis has been getting pointers for BJ Clinton and his speech last night proved how much he has learned. The speech was almost a carbon copy of the Monica speech Clinton gave nearly five years ago to the day wherein he offered no apology, admitted to nothing and blamed it all on Ken Starr. In Davis’ speech, he offered no apologies, admitted to being just too nice and blamed it all on Enron. Check out these excerpts:

He starts off with this:

“I come here to take responsibility and set the record straight and to talk about our future.”

Except he never takes responsibility for anything in the speech. The closest he comes is about the energy debacle and he doesn’t accept responsibility, he accepts the criticism. In fact, this is what he said about energy:

“I inherited the energy deregulation scheme which put all of us at the mercy of the big energy producers. We got no help from the federal government.”

Oh, it was deregulation again and the feds wouldn’t bail him out. Look at this non sequitur he throws in:

“My friends, last Friday, 50 million Americans lost electricity for 29 hours. In California, not a single light has gone out in the last two years.”

Isn’t that special? And what, exactly, does the eastern power grid have to do with Wyoming or California not losing power?

He goes on to talk about the budget:

“Yes, I could have been tougher in holding down spending when we had big surpluses. But let's be clear. Our increases on my watch went to education and health care, and I make no apology for that.

When I took office, we ranked near the bottom in per-pupil spending, 43rd to be specific. We are now 26, and we're making progress.”

Dude, how come the SAT scores have remained almost exactly the same in the time period where your per pupil spending increased significantly? This is the kind of black-hole of school spending we conservatives are complaining about.

He goes on and on, race baiting, touching upon the holy liberal agendas like abortion, the environment and bashing Republicans:

“What's happening here is part of an ongoing national effort to steal elections Republicans cannot win.”

“…and I will never allow California's strong environmental record to be reversed -- not by Republicans, not by anyone.”

“Proposition 54 is another Republican effort to divide Californians over race. I am going to fight this initiative…”

“I'm going to fight to protect this environment. The same is true for reproductive rights, privacy rights and civil rights.”

“…this right-wing power grab is something we won't get over.”

Can’t you smell BJ Clinton all over this? Check out this Clintonism if there ever was one:

“Call me old fashion, but I believe when an election is over, the people have spoken and it's time to get to work and do the public's business.”

I'm surprised he didn't say, "During the election, my relationship with the truth was inappropriate. In fact, it was wrong"

Davis, over 1.3 million people signed the recall ballot, you have a 22% approval rating and your Lt. Governor is running against you in the election. I don’t think it’s just the Republicans out to get you.


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