Friday, August 15, 2003


Well, the font came running to me today. I stumbled across Nichols Kristoff’s column on another site ( It seems Little Nicky thinks the United States is getting too “religious”. He picked a holy day of the Catholic Church (The Feast of the Assumption) to decide that “American Christianity is becoming less intellectual and more mystical over time.” and this is "One of the most poisonous divides" between America and the rest of the industrialized world and at home as well."

The shocking fact that causes Little Nicky so much consternation was that 83% of Americans believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. Oh, the horror!!! The idea that God was Jesus Christ’s father isn’t such a radical idea in Christianity. It’s the Immaculate Conception of Mary that usually causes a ruckus with non-Catholics. Of course, Nicholas Kristoff is an editorial writer for The New York Times, so I shouldn’t be too surprised that he would be taken off guard by a basic tenant of many Christians.

Kristoff also seems unhappy about America’s moral underpinnings:

“Americans believe, 58 percent to 40 percent, that it is necessary to believe in God to be moral. In contrast, other developed countries overwhelmingly believe that it is not necessary. In France, only 13 percent agree with the U.S. view”

Oh, France, that moral touchstone of the world, is basically Godless in it’s moral values. Kristoff tries to use this statistic to denigrate the United States - again. If you ask me, it is a badge of honor to be worn proudly by Americans. It is our Judea-Christian moral ethics that is the foundation of this country and separates us from the rest of out forbearers who have forsaken this belief to their own peril.

Kristoff’s bedwetting is all about this:

“But mostly, I'm troubled by the way the great intellectual traditions of Catholic and Protestant churches alike are withering, leaving the scholarly and religious worlds increasingly antagonistic. I worry partly because of the time I've spent with self-satisfied and unquestioning mullahs and imams, for the Islamic world is in crisis today in large part because of a similar drift away from a rich intellectual tradition and toward the mystical. The heart is a wonderful organ, but so is the brain.”

Trying to draw a parallel between Islam and Christianity is pure poppycock. Islam wants you die in battle defending the faith, it will lead you to 72 virgins or white raisins or whatever, it leads you to something good. Christianity says it is also good to die for your faith, but in suffering, turning the other cheek, but not harming your enemies. Perhaps Little Nicky should ask Granddad about the garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:52)


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