Thursday, July 17, 2003


Norah Vincent has an op-ed piece today at the LA Times saying traditional marriage is not going to be torn apart by gay marriage. Commenting on National Review’s many pieces on the coming storm, she gives a very good rundown of NR’s positions and predictions. She then summarily dismisses them with the argument, “It won’t happen just because”.

"How will it all end? I suspect that gay relationships are likely to be recognized as legal because we have finally begun to understand that it's only fair. And when they do, traditional civil marriage will survive — because, quite simply, it always has."

Her theory of “It is always been that way” is a wonderful argument for why we think marriage won’t survive. Marriage has always been a union between a man and a woman and that’s about to be blown away. So, “because, quite simply, it always has” is about to be proven not the strongest of arguments. She sounds a lot like the people from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, who no matter how impossible they made it for the industrialists to succeed, they always felt the industrialists would succeed and save them all, because they always had before.

Ignorance does seem to make it easier to get through the day.


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