Tuesday, July 15, 2003


Have you ever noticed that all the fathers on television are doofuses? Dad’s are made out to be like lazy morons like Homer Simpson or bumbling idiots like Jim Belushi on According to Jim. Thankfully, these men have a wife with a good head on her shoulders to taker care of them. Even kids shows, like Lizzie McGuire, have a doofy dad and strong, calming mom. Now, I’m not saying this wrong and we shouldn’t have any Homer Simpson’s on TV (perish the thought!!!). What I’m saying is that we don’t have any Ward Cleavers anymore – a strong, moderating, intelligent, hard-working dads anymore.

Who did this to us? We did, with a lot of help from the feminists, liberal media and the PC police. What can we do about it? Point out to our kids watching the tube that dad’s are actually better than what they are seeing and hey, maybe even read a book or two.


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